Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Now that the ruling party have successfully sounded the death Nell on Party in the Park, I am growing increasingly concerned that the MAY FAIR is next in line.

I do hope I am wrong, however last years wayforward group (24th Nov 2009) discussed options and from reading the briefing notes (and more importantly reading between the lines) there does not seem to be a hugh amount of favour for it.

Aside from the costs ( which as I know can be worked up as easily as down) there appears to be a great deal of apathy in what has a historic place in our town heritage.

The May Fair traces its origins back to a charter by Henry VIII in 1545, when it use to take place on St Georges day and the two days following. When in 1752 England adopted the Gregorian calender the date was moved to May, hence the name May Fair.

Now, call me a sceptic if you wish, but I can see the writing on the wall, a similar thing happened with Party in the Park, it kinda works like this!

Make it so expensive by what ever means you can and it becomes easy to say " We can't afford it in the current climate, lets wait and see what the outcome of the "market testing" of Cultural Services suggests....blah blah blah..........and you guessed it the event gets put off whilst this process is carried out never to raise its head again, can you see a trend here? Ermm.............. like Party in the Park.

Sorry, but in my view we have to keep some traditions going, this is a historic event, love it or hate it! and is something that MUST be maintained, otherwise whats the point of anything?

Watch this space as I attempt to resurrect the St Georges day parade that was cancelled a few years ago because of " health and safety" complete TOSH!!

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