Wednesday, 28 October 2009

You have seen the "Before" heres the "After"

Another successful area cleared by our industrious Council workforce. I am sure most would agree that it's a really unpleasant job having to clear up someone else's "mess" and the folks from Fen Road simply get on with it. Well done!

Friday, 23 October 2009

More Camps!

Just to bring people up to date with matters surrounding illegal camping in the town.

Yesterday, once again our council staff had to down tools in their normal roles and get “suited and booted” in their bio suits to clear two more illegal camp site from the town centre.

The first one was in the Wormgate area, on Archer Lane, and was located behind a brick wall near the car park on Fountain Lane.

It would appear that it’s been in existence for around 3 weeks, but looking at the state of it you would have thought more like 3 months, with around 3 lorry loads of debris, made up of rubbish and the vegetation that was removed to prevent more camping!

I once again spoke with staff from the council and the local police whilst at the site, and it appears that there were several people living under the tarpaulin, and in fact two of the occupants were awoken by council staff.

Alarmingly these people have “migrated” from Witham Way County Park and were amongst those rounded up last month and given advice and offers of support none of which they have bothered to take up!

The second site was over in Skirbeck, where a camp had been in existence for about a week, and this needed urgent attention as it was adjacent to a nursery school.

Now, the staggering truth is that these individuals do not wish to be assisted and it would now appear that we can not send them home, as they don’t want to go home, so in effect we could be chasing these vagrants around the town for years!

At the first meeting of the new group set up to tackle this issue, mention was made of inviting Mr Mark Simmonds MP to one of these meetings.

I assumed this would be done, and was somewhat surprised to have a lady on the doorstep make a proclamation that “THE BNP” won’t let Mark attend any council meetings.

Slightly unsettled by this statement I tried to re assure the lady that as I am the ONLY member of the BNP on council that was she had been told was complete nonsense; however she was not having any of it.

That evening, I wrote to Mr Simmonds and outlined the situation in my email detailed above (CLICK TO ENLARGE) and have now been advised that he will be attending a meeting here in Boston in November with council officers, to discuss what assistance he can give to try and find a resolution to this ongoing issue.

Now, I shall wait and see If I will be invited to the meeting I set up or whether Mr Simmonds will play school boy politics and refuse to attend a meeting in which there is a BNP councillor in the room.

I hope not as he and I did have a chat during the election count back in June and I am one of his constituants!

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Tories in Disguise

What lessons can be learnt from last weeks election result one may ask, well the first lesson we all should have gleaned is that the BBI are not truly “independent” if anything, most if not all of them have transpired to be Closest Tories.

Why did Cllr Alison Austin not contest the seat, was she fearful of being beaten AGAIN, or did she think that it might be embarrassing should she win (fat chance) after hubby had just been booted off the County Council, having failed to be re elected in June?

Or is she really a Tory in disquise?? who decided to work in collusion with them to try and squeeze the BNP out!

You decide, but you can expect the BBI to try and take the “moral” high ground with the usual nonsense about county council mistakes and rightful winner last time around, yawn! yawn! But the reality is much simpler than that, and they know it.

The BBI are a spent force in Boston and the electorate have been telling me that over recent weeks,! perhaps they will continue the trend and not contest future seats when they become available, every one know's it makes sense!

Andrea Jenkyns had special mention in her winning speech, of the to the BBI and others who did not contest the seat this time around, not only did this demonstrate the absolute fear the Tories had of the BNP actually taking this seat but it also confirmed my comments above, and that fact will be fully explained to Boston’s electorate during ANY election they contest.

It will be an interesting time leading up to 2011 council elections, when the people of Boston will show the BBI the door!

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Could have and should have, but did'nt.

From crunching the numbers what was amazing was the number of first time voters who ventured out for the first time in their lives and cast their vote.

To lose by 17 votes can be more disappointing than losing by 100’s, however what can not be glossed over is the fact that over 37% of those who voted on Thursday voted for the BNP, and that can not be ignored.

The tension at the count on Thursday night could have been cut with a knife, as the Tories realised that this election was closer than any other they have ever contested in their history in Lincolnshire.

The message is simple, the BNP have achieved in 11 months what no other political party has ever achieved in Lincolnshire before, they have managed to completely destroy both the liberal democrat and labour parties and offer to the electorate a REAL alternative to Tory rule.

That only leaves me to say, thank you to all those who voted for me, and tut tut to the hundreds who pledged to vote but did not bother to vote at all!

I plan to be available in 4 years time so that I can once again offer my services to represent the electorate of Boston North West, I can only hope by then it’s not too late!

Friday, 16 October 2009

By Election Results

Conservatives 597
British National Party 581
Labour 204
Lib Dem 160

More on the result later today, 17 votes short, says it all really.

A really big thank you to all those Who Did turn out to Vote.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Tick Tock

The countdown has started and the final days of this campaign are drawing to a close. It is interesting to note that there seems to have been very little activity in the urban parts of the election district (other than a sudden increase in registered voter's from the EU states), and it leads me to wonder just what are the other party's actually doing!

I have been out and about for the last 4 weeks and have seen the Tories once, labour on two occasions (delivering the same leaflet, over two weekends) and the lib dems twice. To date, I think labour have put out 2 leaflets one of which was a smear against the BNP and the Tories, the lib dems 2 leaflets and the Tories 2 leaflets.

Don't get me wrong, they may well have done more , but I have not seen it.

It's getting nearer to the time when only YOU the electorate can decide and we will just have to wait and see what the outcome is, won't we!

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Where did they all come from?

It came as no surprise on Saturday evening when I got in from campaigning and opened my mail and to see the latest additions to the electoral register for the forthcoming election.
Call me a cynic, but it looks like someone’s been busy signing up our Eastern European guests , as there are an additional 185 newly added in the last few weeks!
Now could it be a deliberate ploy from the desperate opposition to try a thwart my attempt to gain a seat at County Hall?
Your guess is a good as mine and I shall leave it to you to make your own mind up!
This revalation , however will not cause concern as such activity will only drive more and more voters to the polls on Election Day. and trust me I shall be letting people know what's going on

Meanwhile. Labour have made a half hearted attempt at a smear leaflet which just about sums up their lack lustre campaign if you can call it that!

As my campaign turns the corner into the last week where so far voters have had up to 5 pieces of information to assist them in their selection of a representative. We shall wait and see what the outcome will be in the early hours of Friday Morning, keep your eye on this blog as I will update as soon as possible following the count.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Why I do what I do!

Every now and then, something happens that makes you realise what its all about, so to speak. This week I received a letter from a gentleman who's words really encourage me to keep on doing what I do! Sadly the generation who gave so much too so many, without looking for reward are rapidly dwindling, and all I can say is that their are still people who thank those who sacrificed so much and are willing to continue the battle to save our nation. [ Click images to read ]

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Englez nevoie nu a aplica

Boston nord vest by alegere...............opps sorry folks that should read in English,
Boston North West By-election, there I was forgetting myself, but you will see why towards the end of this post.

Well the support on the door step is truly breathtaking, with more and more people turning their backs on the old Political Parties and pledging support for me and the British National Party.

Leaflets have been dropping on doormats since the end of August, as soon as we became aware of the forthcoming election, with a selection of themes starting with where we stand on national issues, thus dispelling the usual gutter politics tactic that others may use making false claims of who we are and what we stand for.

Some lucky electors had free copies of our monthly newspaper “ Voice Of Freedom” packed with stories from up and down the country and a special feature on the Afghan war.

The next leaflet covered the topic of why the election was being called and gave an overview of the ongoing issues at Witham Way Country Park, as covered in more detail here on my Blog.

The current leaflet explains why I am standing and why Boston Needs a BNP voice at County Hall. The reverse of that leaflet talks of another Blog topic which is impacting land workers in the borough who are, or more appropriately were, working at staples in Old Leake in the scandal of the “Gulag”. Check out the advert in this weeks Target for staff at Staples, wherein the “applicant must speak fluent English and Romanian and a basic knowledge of Bulgarian”! I rest my case.

I have been pounding the streets and knocking doors virtually every day for the last three weeks, despite what other bloggers may say I know I am working harder than any other candidate to meet and greet the electorate and my feet are starting to ache, but that’s what its all about. We shall just have to wait and see what happens on the 15th October.

I have only seen one other candidate on my travels , and a couple of leaflets from the lib dem Candidate, but perhaps not surprisingly no one from labour. No prizes for wondering why!

Добър bye за сега...

Sorry, just trying to swot up on my linguistic skills so I might be able to get a job in the town.