Saturday 17 October 2009

Could have and should have, but did'nt.

From crunching the numbers what was amazing was the number of first time voters who ventured out for the first time in their lives and cast their vote.

To lose by 17 votes can be more disappointing than losing by 100’s, however what can not be glossed over is the fact that over 37% of those who voted on Thursday voted for the BNP, and that can not be ignored.

The tension at the count on Thursday night could have been cut with a knife, as the Tories realised that this election was closer than any other they have ever contested in their history in Lincolnshire.

The message is simple, the BNP have achieved in 11 months what no other political party has ever achieved in Lincolnshire before, they have managed to completely destroy both the liberal democrat and labour parties and offer to the electorate a REAL alternative to Tory rule.

That only leaves me to say, thank you to all those who voted for me, and tut tut to the hundreds who pledged to vote but did not bother to vote at all!

I plan to be available in 4 years time so that I can once again offer my services to represent the electorate of Boston North West, I can only hope by then it’s not too late!

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